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[imageeffect type="none" align="aligncenter" width="1170" alt="20min of peace n°8" link="" url="" ]

20min of peace n°8

The sky over Berlin on a windy and chilly day. Anyway beautiful! I love these moments of silence inside. The world passes by, the wind blows thoughts through the mind like the clouds in the sky but the heart stays calm and present. Nothing is missing. Enjoy your day!
[imageeffect type="none" align="aligncenter" width="1170" alt="20min of peace n° 7" link="" url="" ]Since I started this little project, I had so many beautiful moments with it. I now sit in places, I wouldn´t have sat before and found out that no matter where I sit and under which circumstances, it is possible to find that place of stillness inside, that gives one utmost peace and serenity when ... Read More
[imageeffect type="none" align="aligncenter" width="1170" alt="Das Flight Club Buch" link="" url="" ]Das Flight Club Buch / The Flight Club Book Wenn mir vor zehn Jahren, als ich 30 war, jemand gesagt hätte, dass ich in zehn Jahren ein Buch über Handstände im Yoga publizieren würde, hätte ich ihn wahrscheinlich ungläubig ausgelacht. Vor 10 Jahren war ein Handstand für mich so unmöglich wie eine Reise zum Saturn. ... Read More
[imageeffect type="none" align="aligncenter" width="1170" alt="20min of peace in one minute n° 6" link="" url="" ]

20min of peace in one minute n° 6

This one is from Munic, Westfriedhof underground station. It´s a surreal surrounding. Outside it was freezing cold and inside not much different. Cold wind coming from the tubes… It was very interesting. Not really a meditation. More sitting and relaxing into the situation, which in itself is quite a challenge. The mind tells you one thousand ... Read More